Your microbiota is influenced by your choices, be the actor of your health
The iBiote range is a series of analyses that consists in characterizing the different microbiota that colonize the human body and act on our health.
A state of equilibrium in a healthy body
The iBiote range is a series of analyses that consists in characterizing the different microbiota that colonize the human body and act on our health.
The microbiota: a living ecosystem at the heart of your health
The iBiote range is a series of analyses that consists in characterizing the different microbiota that colonize the human body and act on our health.
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What is the microbiota?

The microbiota represents all the living microorganisms that evolve in a specific environment. There are several microbiota associated with the human body, including the microbiota of the skin, mouth, bronchial tubes, vagina, but also the intestinal microbiota which is the richest and most diversified.

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Our analysis services

We use next-generation sequencing, an innovative technique for the study of bacterial DNA to characterize human microbiota for clinical purposes.

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With iBiote it’s simple

1. Order

Order your microbiota analyse on line

2. Reception

Receive your kit directly to your home

3. Report

A detailed report will be sent to you and your referring doctor

iBiote analysis

Directly from the website, you will have the possibility to order a microbiota analysis which will allow you to receive the sampling kit and to benefit from a complete and personalized report. A customer area will be automatically created after your order, you will then have access to the questionnaires and information related to the analysis.

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iBiote, a revolution at the heart of personalized medicine

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